Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So on the way home from grocery shopping at the Price Chopper Ally asks me why some people aren't nice. So I turn off the radio and begin explaining that not everyone in the world knows about Jesus and so they don't understand how important it is to choose the right. We talked about Satan and how he tries to keep people from our Heavenly Father and how sad that was and why it was our job to tell as many people as we could about our Savior. I could see her in the back seat with the wheels in her head just turning so I asked her what was wrong. She proceeded to ask me about all the important people in her life and who's side they were on Jesus' side or Satan's. Is Grandma and Poppy on Jesus side? What about Nana and Grumps? What about Auntie? Yes Ally they all know about Jesus. She is so sweet. I could see the genuine concern for all of the people she loves. I'm sure she was planning in her head who she needed to call to tell about Jesus in her own simple way. The conversation went on and we talked about how when we choose the right we can live together as a family in heaven forever and how great that would be when out of no where Ally says,

"I love my family and I want to be with you forever but you can't go to heaven mommy."

"Hmmm......And why is that Ally?"

Ally, "Because a long time ago on the TV (she found an old home video) I saw you and daddy and you smoked and drank beer and that's not choosing the right."

Wow! And what can you really say to that!! I guess our next family home evening will have to be about repentance. LOL!!!

1 comment:

Cherished Moments Turned Into Family Memories said...

Boy do you live in a glass house :-) Remind me to stay away.