So this morning Ally once again reminds me how wonderful it is to be a child and naive of the world in which we live. Immediately after breakfast she and Ansley went down to the basement to swing.(We have swings hanging under the deck) She immediately starts yelling about her dads bike. So I figured it must have fallen down. I go down to see what the commotions is and realize that the bike is gone. Ally is beside herself and cannot understand where it went. I try to explain to her that someone has taken it. Her reply, "Well why didn't they ask us before they borrowed it?" Well that's a little complicated. So now I have to explain to my four year old that no one borrowed daddy's bike, they stole it and they aren't going to be bringing it back. She was devastated and told anyone who would listen to her all about how someone stole her daddy's bike. I think it was a good learning experience for all of us. Unfortunately many bikes were stolen last night despite being locked up or even on the second story balcony. Scary for us since we never lock the slider on the second story and if they could scale the deck they could easily walk in. It will be locked from now on.
Well after a dry run a few weeks ago with very little blueberry success we have tried it again. The girls and I headed out to Easy Pickens this time and had a great time. Ally was a champion blueberry picker, although she would have preferred to be a champion blueberry eater. We picked about 5 lbs in an hour which I thought was good given that Ansley dumps them out almost as fast as we pick them and I spend most of the time picking them up off the ground. The blueberries are so plump and sweet, even Jerry liked them and he says he doesn't like blueberries. Ally got upset at one point because Ansley had found herself an apple and was eating it. "You stole that! We didn't pay for it!" She is so good. I told her I promised I would pay for it when I paid for the blueberries and she was fine with that so she ate one too!!
For dinner tonight we ate some of that corn from the farmers market. Oh my Gosh!! It is soooo good. I think I'm a corn snob now. I don't know if I can eat it any other way. We didn't even put butter or salt on it. It was so sweet and good. I am definitely getting spoiled by all of the fresh food we have been able to have in the last few weeks. Living in country has definite advantages and fresh fruits and veggies is definitely one of them.
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