Saturday, August 23, 2008

August 23, 2008

Today was a busy day. I worked last night and I have to work again tonight. In between the trip to walmart, the trip to the farmer's market, Ally's preschool orientation and the birthday party I attempted to take a nap and forgot about the baked beans and burnt them. Oh well. The farmers market was great!! I got some awesome looking corn on the cob. I haven't cooked it yet but I can't wait. I bought some of the biggest, sweetest blackberries (Yummy!) and some green beans too. Jerry took Ally to pre-school orientation. She was upset that she couldn't stay. The girl loves school. The birthday party was great. The kids had a blast and the weather was beautiful. Other than my burnt baked beans the food was awesome! After putting the kids down for bed around 8 pm I tried to sneak a nap in before work. Ansley just wouldn't sleep though, which is very rare for her. I finally got her up and brought her into the bed with me. I love snuggling up with my girls. They are so sweet. I wonder if they will ever comprehend how much I adore them. Motherhood is awesome!! I love my girls!! Now it's off to work, who needs sleep anyway?!

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