Today my neighbor and I took our kids to Valley Falls Park to swim. It was our first time going and the kids loved it. The pond is the perfect size and their is plenty of grass and sand. They had a ball.
Dinner proved interesting tonight as we have a new picky eater. Sometimes Ansley eats great and other times I can't get her to eat at all. So tonight we are at the table and Ansley will have no part of the green beans. I tell her it's ok if she doesn't want them but she won't be having any of the treat after family home evening. This changes things and she appears to be eating them. WRONG!!! She is merely strategically placing them inside the pocket of her bib. I notice this just before she places the last one and the pocket and yells "all done!!" Two and already way tooo smart!! I give her props, it was a really valiant effort!!
So we have been having some issues with the girls fighting. Many times the fighting is about cleaning up. Ally despises it. So much so that after helping her clean up the playroom the other day she looked at Ansley and said, "We can't play with the toys anymore Ansley because I don't want to make a mess and have to clean up again!" I had to laugh. So it started as bickering and has slowly progressed to yelling, crying and sometimes even hitting. Shocking for those of you with kids of your own I know, but lately it just seems to be constant, so our family home evening for tonight was about feelings. I think it went pretty well. We talked about all of the different feelings and how we should handle them. At the end of the lesson Ally said, "I will help you clean up mom because I always want you to smile and be happy." How cute!! As if cleaning up is the way to happiness. Hey if it makes her clean up I am all for it!!
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