So today Ally finally got her Birthday gift from Jerry and I. We of coarse celebrated with more cake. We couldn't pass up a perfect opportunity for cake and she opened her very late gift. (As she was opening it Ansley announced that is was a trampoline. The child doesn't forget anything. I swear when Ally was almost a year older than she is now I was still buying her Santa gifts with her in the shopping cart.) We got her a small trampline to replace the large outdoor one we had to give away before we moved. She doesn't know we gave it away but we did. Last year while we were at the beach we had some friends disassemble it and take it. A couple of days after we got back (during Ansley's birthday party actually), she came to me distraught. Someone had "taked her jumpoline!" It was heart breaking. I am so sorry Ally. One day, when you are older you'll understand. Until then, yes, some mean horrible ogre stole it while we were at the beach!
Ansley enjoying every last morsel
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