So this afternoon Ansley was swinging on her belly on the big girl swing under our deck and fell off face first into the concrete patio. With her arms stuck behind her in the swing she hit nose first. I have to say, being a nurse in the ICU I have seen a tremendous amount of blood. I have done things most cannot bear to even hear of, but the sight of my own child's blood about killed me. I was useless. It took me about a minute to even get myself together enough to figure out what I needed to do for her. She was bleeding a lot from a gash between her eyes and her nose was obviously broken. Thank God for awesome neighbors. Ali from next door was here to help me in my crazed state. The child never cries but it took me 45 minutes to calm her down enough to put her in her car seat and trek to Children's Hospital in Hartford. I was pretty sure she needed stitches and I was sure the Dr's and Nurses at Children's would be more patient with my screaming toddler than some generic ER. Thankfully she passed out on the way because as you can imagine traffic into Hartford at 5 pm isn't great. She looked horrible and the swelling had increased a ton just in the 40 minute ride to the ED. On a positive note though the swelling had caused the gash on her face to swell shut and the bleeding stopped. The ED was awesome the triage nurses saw her immediately and we were headed into a room in less than 5 minutes. On the way to the room we ran into my neighbor who happens to be a doctor at Children's. He asked me what I was doing there and when I turned around to show him Ansley's face I lost it. The look on his face was devastating. My poor baby looks terrible. Billy (my neighbor) was great to us and we were in and out in no time. The gash didn't require stitches which was great because they leave a terrible scar and there was really nothing they could do for her nose because of all of the swelling. Ansley was a true trooper. She let everyone examine her and never cried. On the phone with her dad she said, "It's OK daddy, I a big girl." When we got home and Jerry saw her face he said he wished he could take it from her. I do too!! It was a horrible day but I know she will be alright. I think I'll survive too!! Now with everyone tucked into bed and my adrenaline rush gone, it's time for me to go to work!!
Seeing Ansley's face totally scraped up the way it is puts my horror over the freezers cosmetic damage in perspective. Not too important!!
Wow- that was really bad! I can't imagine- poor thing!
Oh Gina, I am so sorry that happened. She won't even remember it a month from now. They are so resilient! I am learning that the hard way of course considering Kayla fell down the steps this w/e and has a carpet burn across her whole cheek :( Give Ansley a kiss for me!
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