Friday, January 23, 2009


I am sorry I have been a slacker lately. The holidays put me somewhat behind and being away didn't help. Now since coming home I have started a full time contract and am working a ton to make up for the hole November and December put us in. It hasn't helped that Jerry has had a ton to do to get ready for school and is at the computer none stop. So needless to say I have a million excuses for the extended hold on my blogging. Blah, blah, blah!! School is back in session and I will definitely be back in blogging business next week. Hope all is well. There will be new posts below this one as I have a ton to catch up since Nov 17th.


1 comment:

Cherished Moments Turned Into Family Memories said...

I always knew you were a slacker :-) Missing reading your updates though.