So the past week has been less than stellar and has definitely left me feeling less than adequate at many things. It happens from time to time. I get into a rut feeling like I am falling short everywhere and no matter what I do or how hard I work I just can't get ahead and this week has been of those weeks. So as I sat in Primary for sharing time I couldn't help but become quite emotional over the lesson. It was exactly what I needed to hear. Sister Elwood shared a story for the kids about a boy who really wanted a new scooter. So he worked and saved until he thought he had enough. But when he got to the store, even though he had worked really hard he hadn't saved enough. Fortunately for him, his father loved him and was willing to make up the difference and he was able get his scooter. Much like what our Father in Heaven has done for us. He knew that no matter how hard we tried and how good we were we would always fall short, so he sent Jesus his son to atone for our sins and shortcomings. To make up the difference, so we can return to our Father in Heaven. I couldn't help it. I was an emotional mess over it but I needed to hear it. I am not perfect and never will be. My Father in Heaven knew this long before I was born and I need to find peace in that fact. So thank you Sister Elwood. I needed that kick in the behind today. You are an amazing teacher and I soooo needed that today. :)
On a funnier note to drive the lesson home for the kiddos she had made Valentine's Day cookies. During the lesson, if the kids were reverent and listening they could earn tickets to purchase the cookies at the end of the lesson. In the end some of them had two tickets, some had three but none had the 10 tickets it cost to purchase one cookie. So like the father of the boy with the scooter and like our Father in Heaven Nikkie made up the difference and allowed each child to take home a Valentine's Day cookie with the understanding that they had to be eaten at home and only after they changed their clothes and told their parents about the lesson. So as soon as we got home both girls ran right up the stairs, changed their clothes and came running back down. It was by far the fastest change ever. No fighting, no stalling, DONE. It was great. When Ansley was done she went running straight for Jerry who quickly scooped her up and said, "Come here you look like you need some Daddy time" and squeezed her. "No daddy, I need some cookie time" was her response. It was priceless. She just wanted to tell him about the lesson so she could get her cookie. I love kids. When I explained what was happening to Jerry we laughed so hard, we cried.
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