Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fox Hill Tower

Since the day we moved to Vernon Ally has been asking to go up into Fox Hill Tower. She believes a witch lives in the tower and now has Ansley caught up in the tale as well. Unfortunately we soon found out that the tower is closed most of the year due to vandalism. Somehow we always seem to miss it when it is open. Today as we were shopping we ran into Ms Pat who told us that it was open today for the last day until Memorial Day. So we of course dropped our groceries at the door and ran right up there. The view was great! You could see all of Vernon and the foliage was still decent. Ally loved it. "Mom, you can see the whole world from up here!" It was very cute. I was glad they could finally get into the tower and see for themselves that there is no witch in the Fox Hill Tower!

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