Friday, April 29, 2011


So today while I was at work Jerry calls me to tell me that Mrs. Oliphant, Ansley's pre-school teacher, made him blush today.  Ansley has a little friend at school who is smitten with her and follows her around.  She is not phased by his undivided attention one bit.  Jerry had no knowledge of this until today.  Apparently it has gotten so bad that his mother told Jerry he only wants to wear one shirt to school everyday because it is Ansley's favorite.  Well today, while out on the playground, he put a flower behind her ear and told her she was as beautiful as an angel.  When the teacher told Jerry this he apparently turned multiple shades of red.  I fear he may be in for some trouble as these girls get older.  They have both had admirers as early as preschool.  Thankfully for now Ansley is still set on marrying her daddy!

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